How to Prepare Your Indian Wells Home for Sale

Gregg Fletcher


If you’re looking to sell a home in Indian Wells, California, it’s essential to prepare your property for the hot seller’s market thoroughly. Homes in this neighborhood are highly sought-after. Consider these steps before your listing date to give your house its best chance at a quick, easy sale with a high price tag.

Complete repairs or touch-ups

If your home has any major issues, it is crucial to tackle repairs before listing. Larger projects may include roofing issues, water damage, and flooring issues. If you want to find possible unknown problems, consider having a pre-listing home inspection done to ensure everything is up to par. This kind of home inspection will point out any minor or major issues that need fixing. A home inspection is beneficial for listing luxury homes in Indian Wells, California.

Usually, minor issues can be handled without having to hire extra help. Minor touch-ups can be as simple as covering nail holes from wall hangings or chipped paint spots. Outside touch-ups can include power washing the house, raking the yard, and cleaning out the gutters. If you’re too busy for these minor fixes, consider hiring a professional to get the job done. Either way, repairs, touch-ups, and a pre-inspection can help your home’s chances of passing any inspections the buyer requires.

Tidy up

Walk through your home and begin the de-cluttering process. As you go, it’s important to remove any personal items or decor as you go through this process. Items or furniture you want to keep but do not currently use can be put into temporary storage. This should free up some space in your home, giving it a more spacious look.

Condos for sale in Indian Wells, California, should be cleaned in preparation for walk-throughs with potential buyers. If the home is dirty, it may make it harder for potential buyers to picture themselves in the space. Plus, the house reflects the owner, and you always want to make the best first impression and show the best representation of yourself.

Add the upgrades

Clean any smudging and dirt from walls and doors and repaint the walls. If you have any rooms with bold colors in them, consider repainting. Luxury homes in Indian Wells will benefit from classic, neutral tone wall colors.

What about the outside curb appeal of your home? Look over the exterior of your home for any issues or dirt, and be sure to correct and clean. Consider some tasteful decor to liven up the outdoor space. The lawn is also significant — if your property has grass, keep it mowed, edged, trimmed, and maybe even raked. If you have a garden, weed it to keep it looking well-maintained.

You may find that your front door needs to be repainted or that you need flowers and plants, a new mailbox, a new welcome mat, or new door pieces. Kick plates and doorknobs may need replacing. Also, make sure the garage door is in quality working condition.

Deep clean the inside and add some finishing details

After you have the home's inside cleared out, it is crucial to perform some deep cleaning. This includes wiping the baseboards down, cleaning grout, dusting, and more. If you’ve left any appliances in the home, clean them inside and out. Also, clean out the cabinets, closets, and drawers throughout the house. Luxury homes for sale in Indian Wells, California, must be spotless for viewing. Buyers won’t take a dirty home seriously!

Add a wreath and doormat to the front door entrance and some air fresheners and flowers around the house. You can set the table, arrange conversational seating in the living room, set up themes in the bedroom(s), and more. You can hire professional cleaners or handypersons to help with the deep cleaning, needed fixes, and indoor or outdoor renovations if you don’t want to handle the projects yourself.

Many real estate agents have found that staging can increase the dollar value between one to 10%. Plus, a staged home usually spends around  33%-50% less time on the market than those that haven't been staged. Over 80% of agents claim that buyers found it easier to picture themselves in homes staged for selling.

Prepare your home for sale with the help of Gregg Fletcher, an agent well-versed in Indian Wells and the surrounding Palm Springs communities. Contact him today to start your next real estate journey in Southern California!

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